3 Tips For Dealing With Frustrating Family During The Holiday Season

You can already picture it. You show up at your family home with gifts in hand, a smiling face, and nerves in your stomach. You’re trying to stay positive, but you also know what to expect based on the previous holidays spent at home.

Your family greets you at the door, and before you even step inside, the questions and comments are already directed at you.

Do you have a partner?

Did you vote this year?

Did you lose or gain weight?

Why did you post that on social media?

No matter how many times you replay this in your head, you can’t help but feel annoyed, belittled, and frustrated. You’re not mentally or physically prepared to deal with these types of questions or interactions this year.

You love your family, but man do they frustrate you sometimes. The holidays are supposed to be fun, relaxing, and carefree, but it never seems to go that way no matter how hard you try.

Here are 3 tips for dealing with frustrating family members during the holiday season.

1. Focus on Self-Care

The holidays are a time for giving, but you can’t give if you don’t have the energy. Focus on yourself and your needs so that you can put your best self forward. You can’t expect to fill someone else’s cup if yours is empty, right? There are many different ways you can implement self-care. What works for you may not work for a family or friend.

Do the things that bring you joy. If you need a break, take a break. You can always remove yourself from a situation or conversation if you feel uncomfortable. Excuse yourself to your room. Grab a glass of water from the kitchen. Or go for a walk outside. Make time for yourself so you can have time to rest and recharge.

2. Make a Plan

This may be easier said than done, but instead of focusing on the things you can’t control, try to focus on the things you can control. If you’re already anticipating some awkward conversations with family members, try to prepare your responses in advance for those sensitive topics. If they bring up politics, tell them you don’t feel comfortable discussing it right now. If they bring up your love life, tell them you’d love to chat later. Having a plan in place will make you feel a little relaxed and calm going into the holiday.

3. Focus On the Good

You’re spending a lot of time and energy focusing on things in the future that haven’t even occurred yet. It’s good to be prepared, but instead of focusing on what could go wrong, try changing your mindset to focus on what could go right instead! A simple switch in mindset can help you maintain a positive attitude. This will help you go into the holiday and have conversations with a more positive approach and tone. Family members may even stay behaving better due to your positivity.

Next Steps

If you’re finding yourself dreading the holidays before they’re even here, you’re not alone. The holidays aren’t always the most wonderful time of the year. In fact, most of the time, the holidays just bring on a lot of anxiety, stress, and added pressure. You’re not alone.

If you feel like none of the strategies you’re implementing are working to help you cope with how you’re feeling, it may be time to reach out for additional support. Therapy may be a great option for you. A therapist will work with you to help you determine your stressors and ways to deal with them moving forward.

A therapist will be able to work with you to help you deal with those frustrating family members before you go into the holiday season. Reach out to us today if you’re interested in setting up a consultation for anxiety therapy.

More expert articles at: https://www.orlandparkcounselors.com/anxiety

Anxiety, Depression, FamilyTim Jenkins