Very bad, no-good reasons to not see a counselor.

“I don’t have anything wrong with me.”

I am totally sure that is the case. Humans function just fine, even if they are not doing as well as someone else. They cope. But wouldn’t you like to cope better? Or cope to the best of your ability? Wouldn’t it be nice to feel better and function better? A researcher at the University of Chicago called that “Optimal Experience”. In fact, if you are even considering working with a counselor, that means you are introspecting. That is a good thing. Thinking about who you are, what you do and how you do it is a question you should ask yourself: “Am I happy with things as they are?” The best defense mechanisms in the world can get worn out and useless. At one time a behavior may have kept you safe, but now it is a hinderance to your wellness. For example, at one time, substance use may have helped you cope, but now it is just destroying everything else in your life. Maybe a relationship was good in the beginning, but now your needs have changed.

“I worry someone will find out I am seeing a counselor.”

Everything we talk about is confidential. Laws protect that information. That means that in most states, things you say to therapists cannot be disclosed to a third party. In Illinois, that is the case unless if someone says they are going to kill themselves or another person, or if they say they are going to harm a child or a senior citizen. Also, if you are worried about someone seeing you come to or leave our office; anyone coming to our office is coming to see a counselor also! Our office is in an area that is hidden in plain sight. Lastly in our modern age, all of our counselors offer Telemedicine visits. That way you can see us from anywhere you are.

“I do not have time to focus on myself. I have too many problems in: my work, family, friends, (other things)…”

Therapy can help. In fact, it can help so much, that you are much more helpful to those other people in your life. Imagine how good it would feel to not just help other people in your life, but also help them to be much more well and successful than you could imagine. Think of it! You are already the one everyone goes to for advice or to talk. Would it be great to be the one that solves those problems too?

“Going to see a counselor means that I am weak.”

In the past, counseling and psychiatry had a stigma. People didn’t want others to know that they were getting services and that is just fine with counselors. The nature of our work being protected health information means counselors will keep your information, as well as the fact you come to see them completely confidential. Every counselor I know believes that I believe. Going to counseling does not make you weak. In shows you are strong enough to work on yourself and your life to live better and function better. Besides, all the best in their fields have had outside help. Think Michael Jordan, didn’t have a coach?

“I am too busy.”

Of course, people are always busy. They are busy doing things or busy not doing things. Are you too busy to feel better or function better? No. An hour or two a week is a small price to pay for doing much better or being much happier. If you do not make time for yourself, then you are giving your life to work, or something else equally less important than your happiness. You are really prioritizing the needs of others over yourself when you do not make time for your health, and that includes your mental health and wellness. If you are really that busy, register for a telemedicine visit. Don’t want to be on video, we can speak over the phone with you. Just call us and get going. We make it easy.